Another Holiday Baby

Brylee got sympathetic responses before she was born from people concerned she'd have to share her birthday with the holidays (her due date was 2 days before Christmas). Baby Boy's due date receives the same sympathy when I add my own speculations that he'll be born early (December 26 sticks out to me).

But the real preparation for having a holiday baby has more to do with the calendar than with this unborn child's potential for presents and birthday celebrations. Because, let's face it, receiving gifts attributed to both birthday and Christmas isn't really an issue. As a family, we'll keep the two separate. And any gifts received from friends for either occasion is not something to complain about.

First, having a holiday baby is special for one reason:
  • Family visiting. Family usually congregates during the holidays, and when you're having a baby, the natural solution is for everyone to come meet the new addition. I just love when everyone gets together!

And having a holiday baby is also a bit challenging for one reason: Family visiting. That company that makes having a holiday baby so special, also brings a few drawbacks:
  • Messy house. Along with extra people in a home, comes extra stuff, and not enough space for it all. The result, no matter how much people help clean, is a messy home--or at least to my OCD-esque standards.
  • Entertainment. They'll repeat some mantra about being okay with not doing anything. But the nature of multiple people getting together is the need to be entertained. No matter how you look at it, there are two options: go out or stay in. Because you're recovering and not up for doing much and you're the hostess, the company follows your lead which results in their boredom and your lost nerves. And your exhaustion, because you don't want to feel left out on this rare occasion that everyone is together.
  • Meals. Of course, people need fed. But without someone else taking this responsibility on, the "what's for dinner" game precedes many meals.This is stressful for a recovering hostess.
  • Meals, part 2. The go-to solution of eating out can be stressful as well for someone that would rather rest and not have to lug around a newborn. Once can be a nice change of scenery. But company isn't satisfied with getting out of the house just once, even if they won't say it.
  • Baby sharing. You'll get the rest of your life with the munchkin while they only have this short visit, so baby passing is inevitable. The break can be nice, but if maternity leave is short (or non-existent), this can be an important time for you to be with baby.
So, if I could do things differently, I would...
  • ...find the words to ask for what I need. When I hear others' recovery stories, their highlight seems to be some outside support who cooked for them and cleaned their homes while they focused on baby and rest. I need that!
  • ...encourage company to get out and do something... without Daniel, baby and I. When company visits over the holidays, to no fault of their own, they aren't exactly in the mindset to seek out and fulfill what Daniel and I need. So, at least once, they should get out of the house and make their time interesting while our little family relaxes in a quiet house with no burden to play hosts.
  • ...not have a holiday baby. I'm sure this is a "grass is greener" scenario. But I am envious of the people that have babies at a random time when only the mother and sister are able to visit. It seems the focus might be a little more on the needs of mother, father and baby.
Truth be told, I'm too proud to ask for help. I'm probably too particular to really let someone else cook and clean for me. I appreciate quality time too much to let family go do something without us. And I still loved having a holiday baby. Can't wait to have another and all the chaos that comes with it!

But I will definitely make sure I get in more of this: