Puppets and Muppets {at-home date night}

{The Muppets}

I think we were already married when Daniel found out I was on a puppet team in middle school. Good thing, because apparently that might have been a game-changer for him. I guess he thought we only needed one nerd in the relationship :)

It was a fun ministry to be a part of. I've never been the star of anything, but behind a screen and with a puppet on my hand I actually pulled off one of the "lead rolls" for a few big shows. Hold back your laughter, this was no small deal for a shy introvert like myself. If you've ever been to a big puppet convention, then you'll know what I'm talking about. And right about there is where Daniel can't keep a straight face anymore. Seriously, they have puppet conventions, and people do pretty impressive things with their puppet ministries.

Anyway, enough about that. Neither of us were feeling particularly inspired to plan date night this week, so when we saw The Muppets was in Redbox we decided that would be a fun family date night viewing. Of course a pre-movie puppet show is a must, and maybe other inspiration I found for a Muppets themed family date night.

{Muppets Themed Family Date Night Ideas}

{Muppets: The Green Album}

{turn up the beats}
The Muppets Soundtrack is an obvious pick, or try out The Muppets Radio on Pandora.

{muppets snack foods}

{whip up some treats}
 A Kermit fruit tray, Rowlf cakes pops, and Fozzie cookies--this girl made it all for a baby shower. Just one of her ideas would go a long way in sticking with the theme.

{muppets coloring pages and activities}

{color some pages}
A coloring sheet could keep the kids busy while supper is made. Ah, heck, turn off the stove and spend a few minutes coloring too. It is a family date night afterall.

{OPI Muppets Collection}

{paint your nails}
Get in costume with some Muppets-themed nail polish! Or find the smaller bottles of equally bold and glittery pinks and greens. Who knows, maybe Daniel would let Brylee paint his toe nails green :)

{Muppets hand puppets}

{put on a show}
Pinterest is full of ideas to make your own puppet theater, although a large blanket thrown over 2 dining room chairs is enough stage for us. Then pull out your own finger puppets, or try your hand at making your own animal hand puppets if you're feeling crafty.

That's enough Muppets-fun for now. I'll leave you off with this great song from the movie, and an important life question for us all...