7 Ways to Rock This World in His Name

we get to rock this world in Jesus' name 1 cor 1:27-29
1 Corinthians 1:27-29 says that God chose the foolish, weak, lowly and despised so no one could boast before Him. Angela explains:
Do you feel common and plain and extremely ordinary? Then Jesus is talking to me and you. We are the ones He has ordained to be salt on this earth. We get to rock this world in His name. God uses small things and people like us. We cannot let our common lives keep us from His holy calling!" {A Beautiful Offering by Angela Thomas, p. 123, emphasis mine}

How do we go about rocking this world in His name? I thought up a few ideas on a particular day when I certainly did not feel like I was doing this.

I need the above encouragement (from 1 Corinthians 1:27-29 and Angela) daily, but especially a couple months ago on February 20. Maybe you can relate to my laments...

All day I thought about how unqualified I am to be a parent. Or how at least a million other moms would do a better job. How do I consider myself a Christ-follower when I can't even show Christ to my own children? Yeah, today was a gloomy and draining and down-on-myself day. I am so grateful to know that this is just the kind of day--just the kind of mom--Christ can/does/will turn around to be used for Him.

(Philippians 4:6) Angela goes on...
Pursuing Light gets messy. And its tiring and sometimes nobody around you gets it. And you keep growing and running while everyone else seems to be spiritually lounging in a hammock, sipping a fruit smoothie, trying to forget the reason they're here.
Becoming the Light of the World means knowing the Light of the World. Seeking the Light of the World. Basking in the Light of the World. You have to get up and get serious and do whatever it takes to get yourself out of the shadows and into the overwhelming, eye-squinting glare of His presence. God is waiting to make you into a brilliant light, but you have to move toward Him in relationship. {pp. 124-125, emphasis mine}

Many days (including February 20), I do not feel that I "get up and get serious" doing "whatever it takes to get out of he shadows." I must throw myself  in God's presence and even fall prostrate (especially fall prostrate) at His feet in order to rock this world in His name. Specifically...

How to Rock this world in Jesus' Name

1 | Reading and memorizing God's Word.

Reading the true stories of Salvation, deliverance, love, prophecy. Recalling uplifting and true Scripture throughout each day. Sticking it to the edge of my computer screen, writing it on my mirror, framing it on my walls. Repeating it until it's the only thing running through my head.

2 | Singing praises to Him.

Turn up the classic hymns on my iPod. Tune in to my favorite spiritual stations on Pandora. Flip on Christian radio. Sing it out in the car. Praise Him while I do the dishes or switch laundry or browse Pinterest. Even if I can't carry a tune.

3 | Reading spiritual books.

Positive reads like Angela's or Jen's or Max's or Rob's. Active reads like Love Dare, Power of a Praying Wife or Praying the Scriptures for Your Kids. Awesome life stores like Safer Than a Known Way. Books about Jesus like It's All About Him or Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World or The Life You've Always Wanted. And that's just the beginning.

4 | Praying--for myself and others.

When I'm feeling irritable or weak or lost. When I'm excited or thankful or happy. When someone is suffering or down or lost. When I don't know how to help or I need direction or someone else needs direction. When I'm lonely or need to talk things out. And always listening for when He has something to say to me.

5 | Meditating on His direction for me today.

Using Scripture and prayer and song to ask God to lead. To tell me where to go and what to do for Him. Seeking how He would have me spend my day and money and talents.

6 | Following through on His direction for me today.

Taking at least one step of action. Following when I feel God leading. Encouraging or praying with/for a friend. Sending a note. Helping someone. Saying something positive. Loving my family.

7 | Involving the kids (and others) in reading, singing, praying, and doing.

Family worships, bedtime stories from the Bible or Sabbath School lesson, daily singing and dancing, memory verses, walks in nature, saying things we're thankful for, calling family to tell them we love them, playing nicely with friends, holding open a door, smiling and saying "hi" to a stranger (and teaching the difference between loving people we don't know like Christ did and being safe in a sometimes dangerous world).

First and foremost, abiding in His love, then bringing my family into His light with me. That is the mission I too often neglect--February 20 and many other days. Leading by example, teaching in partnership, actively involving others in my life with Christ.

Because if I keep my relationship with Christ to myself, then what's the point?