Monthly Resolutions {2012}

Every year, when January rolls around, I have a problem choosing just one resolution for the new year. I want to improve every area of my life, and, let's face it, there's just too much to improve.

This year I decided to try my shot at monthly resolutions--choosing one resolution or one theme or one area of my life to work on for just one month. The change is sometimes lasting (like continuing to eat vegan at home, reading a book every month, and spending 15 minutes outside most days) and sometimes it just doesn't work out how I planned. (Anyone see our family photo shoot for Appreciate April? Probably not, because it didn't happen.)

Browse my monthly resolutions for 2012 in the links below, or scroll through all posts labeled monthly resolutions >> here.

Then, read the year-end follow-up >> here for ideas on doing your own monthly resolutions!

Jump into January
Fire it up February
Meal Management March
Appreciate April
Minimizing May
Joyful June
Joint-Effort July
Optimize August
Simplify September
Knock-It-Out November
December Advent

Let me know if you try out your own monthly resolutions. I'd love to hear about it!