5 Adventure-Filled Date Nights {guest post}

{stargazing | sleeping in castles}

I was recently introduced to a "little" blog gem called Family Sponge. Jadah and Jen work together to provide awesome content like getting your kids to eat with a green food taste test, inspiring kids creativity with pretend play, and eco-friendly birthday ideas. I am excited to share this guest post from Jen!

5 Adventure-Filled Date Night Ideas

by Jen Hansard from Family Sponge

Date nights are essential once you have kids. For us, it's not the number of dates a month we get, but the quality of the date. We want to feel connected, take a break from being mommy and daddy and just have some fun! A quiet dinner can be nice, but my husband and I prefer to mix in a little adventure. It helps us bond and connect on a more intimate level when we are doing something a little adventurous together. Here are some ideas for an adventurous date:

1. Drive-in movie

Find an old drive-in theatre and catch a classic flick. Bring some special goodies to share and enjoy an intimate movie together. I do recommend cleaning the car before you go. If its anything like ours, it's disgusting and not the slightest bit romantic. Probably more along the lines of unsanitary. 

2. Take a cooking class

I just found out about the free cooking classes that Williams-Sonoma offers on Sundays. And can I tell you this— I am so excited! Every week it is different, so you can pick a week that suits you more (they did BBQ last month, and right now it's canning and salsa making). It more like an afternoon date, but that sometimes is easier for us to do.

3. Geocaching

This has been a part of our marriage from the beginning and is such a fun thing to do as a couple! Geocaching requires us working together to navigate to the treasure and usually takes us to a place we never knew existed right in our town! All you need is a smartphone and some curiosity.

4. Free summer concert

Take advantage of the free summer concerts in the park! Music moves us all and is a great way to just relax and sharing a live concert together could make for a memorable night.

5. Stargazing

I don't know many things more romantic than stargazing. Put the kids to bed and then head to the backyard. Lay a blanket down and spend some time gazing up at the stars.