31 Days of Letting Your Lil Light Shine | blog series

I am so very excited about sharing my first blog series with you in the month to come, and I hope you're excited to join me in letting our lil lights shine! Everyday I will be sharing little ways to strengthen our lights and shine brightly for Christ. God has led in the last couple months of planning this series, and I pray He leads you too!

Here's a little more about what to expect in the next 31 days...

1. This month includes seven categories, one for each day of the week...
Sunday | expanding our boarders to shine beyond ourselves;
Monday | learning from other bright lights;
Tuesday | shining in our own lil worlds;
Wednesday | letting our lights shine by doing random acts of kindness;
Thursday | joining our lights with others;
Friday | bright thoughts to think on;
Saturday | resting our lights to do it all again.

2. I've contacted some friends and bloggers to share their experiences. We're all in this together and have so much to learn from each other as we grow and encourage one another to shine for Jesus. Many of the posts will have a quote or story from someone else, and some posts are even guest-written. Be sure and check these out, and leave a comment to thank each of these people for sharing their insight!

>> Join me and a few others everyday in October and let your lil light shine!

Select posts as they're linked below or browse all posts tagged "letting your lil light shine."

day 1: read the bible
day 2: beat a bad day
day 3: smile
day 4: get involved at church
day 5: memorize scripture
day 6: shabbat
day 7: meet the neighbors
day 8: read a book
day 9: worship as a family
day 10: let someone go ahead
day 11: start or join a group
day 12: sing
day 13: rejuvenate outdoors
day 14: start a conversation
day 15: learn from bloggers
day 16: invite someone over
day 17: leave a positive message
day 18: plan a shine party
day 19: give thanks
day 20: be in his presence
day 21: realize your influence
day 22: learn from each other
day 23: send a note
day 24: give unexpectedly
day 25: build community
day 26: set your sights
day 27: start a sabbath tradition
day 28: use your influence
day 29: learn from children
day 30: know the time of life you're in
day 31: do something