Letting Your Lil Light Shine | day 3: smile

Sometimes, when we think about random acts of kindness and letting our lights shine, we forget the simple stuff. The little things that can make a difference for anyone we run into. Like smiling. It doesn't take much, and this one simple thing can bring a little sunshine to someone's day, and even boost your own mood.

What's the big deal about smiling?

The Bible actually has quite a bit to say about the meaning of a smile.

A smile says...

...we are cheerful about giving away our time, money or other resources {2 Cor. 9:7}

...we are glad about the great things the Lord has done for us {Ps. 126:3}

...we have a merry heart {Prov. 15:13}

...we rest in hope knowing we can't be moved when we set our eyes on God {Ps. 16:8-9}

...there is joy and endless pleasure in God's presence {Ps. 16:11}

...our hearts are full of good treasure {Luke 6:45}

Jesus is in our hearts, and that is reason enough to smile!

I met Katelyn in college where we both worked in the enrollment office, and I knew almost instantly that she was someone who loved Jesus. Her smile makes her so friendly and approachable, and her actions and words follow suit. I asked how she lets her light shine for Jesus--in her own little world, and in the world at large.

This is Katelyn's response...

katelyn + family
>> Since most of my lil' world right now consists of staying home and taking care of my son/husband/home, they are the ones directly affected by me, so to speak. I was taught that Mom really is the "thermostat" of the home, so it's important to me to stay balanced and centered (emotionally/spiritually). I've learned that how I react to certain situations, especially stressful ones, will directly influence (escalate or extinguish) how the rest of my family approaches it.

I've also been taught that a good marriage is the best gift you can give your children, so treating Mike with love, kindness and fairness, especially when we disagree, not only helps our relationship but sets an example to Eli of how we should treat others. Now I'm definitely not saying this always happens (we're human, after all), but those are a couple of standards I try to follow to be like Jesus to my family.

In the world at large, I try to be mindful of the things that I say to and about others and to live joyfully. Especially now that I know I have little eyes watching and listening to every move I make and every thing I say. By living life positively and treating those I come in contact with love, patience and respect, it leaves a positive impression that sometimes makes them wonder, "why?"

I have a habit of smiling a lot, and sometimes am intentional about genuinely smiling at those I come in contact with who don't seem very friendly (you know the type). On several occasions I have been stopped by complete strangers who have thanked me and told me that by seeing a genuine smile has made their day a little bit better. I don't say this to boast (because it actually really caught me off guard) but it reminded me that something so small really does go a long way. Who knows, it may lead to something if one day someone asks why. <<