Dear Reader | March 2013

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Dear Reader,

When it comes to seasons and favorite times of the year, summer has my heart. The weather-enforced minimalist clothing complete with flip flops and loads of mood-boosting sunshine does my body and soul good.

A very close second is spring. With it's greening grass, budding flowers, and lengthening days, spring is my hope that summer is on its way. My assurance that winter's uninviting atmosphere and sharp cold won't last. That winter's cruelty in sending away the sunshine and cornering us into our home for months will not last longer than it is allowed.

And such are the seasons of life. The promised Kingdom of God has my heart. I long to sit at Jesus' feet and hear his voice. To feel peace and calm like I can't imagine. The utmost of full and refreshing and beaming days.

A close second is the gospel and Jesus rising from the dead. With its love and fulfillment and glory, His resurrection is my hope that Heaven is a reality on its way. My assurance that this earth's uninviting atmosphere and busy burdens won't last. That the devil's cruelty in distracting us from the Son and attempting to corner us out of His presence will not last longer than God will allow.
Because Jesus was raised from the dead,
we’ve been given a brand-new life
and have everything to live for,
including a future in heaven. | 1 Peter 1:3-5

I pray that truth will encourage you through all of life's winters.

Happy Spring!


PS, today I'm sharing "Jesus is Louder than Winter" over at Jessi's blog >> Naptime Diaries. I'd love for you to check it out. And, if you'd like to receive the Beginner Beans monthly-ish newsletter, subscribe >> here.