Encouragement for Beginner Bloggers

blog encouragement for beginners

Calling yourself a "blogger" is kind of daunting, isn't it? I often don't know what saying I'm a blogger even means. Does that mean I post daily or have a legit looking site? Does it mean I know exactly what I blog about and have my 1-minute elevator speech nailed down? Does it mean I have sponsors or a quickly growing following? Does it mean I make money on it or spend money on it? Does it mean I understand SEO or am up-to-date on analytics?

I've been there. Wincing at the term "blogger" because I (and my blog) don't measure up to all the checklists in my head. Maybe you've been there (are there) too. If you're not sure having a blog is enough to call yourself a blogger, or you're struggling measuring up, this series is for you (and me, too).

See what you'll find the rest of this week at the bottom of the post (including a PicMonkey giveaway!), but first, a little encouragement for my reluctant blogging friends...

Encouragement for Beginner Bloggers

adapted from Ready, Steady, Grow! by Sophie Piper and Georgie Birkett

Do you dream of growing your blog? You share a post about your day, then another about your life, and it still doesn't seem to be growing? Growing a blog takes time... and care. Start by consuming good words. Helpful books, blogs and podcasts. Gather resources with golden nuggets for your life and faith and blog. (Distractions and time-consuming fluff won't sustain you.)

When you're ready to explore and get involved in the blog world, dress your online presence for success. Be positive and encouraging with your comments and updates. As you discover your brand, keep it consistent across your social media outlets. To really help your blog grow strong, stay active and live your life. Do you like yoga... or cooking... or sewing? Do those things.

Take extra care. Wear the armor of God and seek Him first. Ask permission before you post a story that involves someone else. Don't put yourself on a pedestal--you'll likely fall. It's more fun when you take simple precautions to protect yourself and your family.

As your blog grows bigger and stronger, you will learn to reach for higher goals, jump with confidence, and run your blog more efficiently. If accidents happen... like putting your blog in front of relationships or breaking blog etiquette... repair it however you can, and learn from the mistake. But don't be afraid to keep stepping.

Do the things you love to do... the things that make you happy. Make each day an opportunity to live fully for Christ and for others, and share that through your blog. Then, at the end of each day, get ready for tomorrow. Wash yourself clean of the trials and errors of the day and brush away any negative thoughts. Let your mind refresh and prepare for tomorrow's inspiration.

Your blog will grow as the days go by. Sunny days of summer. Rainy days as winter comes. Birthdays and party days, festivals and fun. As time goes by, look around, but give yourself grace... everyone's blogs grow in their own special way. And remember, small is good too.

Posts for the Beginner Blogger

Beginner Blog Design part 1 | part 2 | part 3
PicMonkey Giveaway
Dear Beginner Blogger
Following Our God-given Purpose with Passion

PS, This week I'm sharing excerpts of the Shine e-book on Allison's blog >> The Budget Maven. Then, at the end of the week, I'll be giving a copy away. Head over each day this week to check it out and join the conversation!