Easy Green Smoothie for the Reluctant Beginner

how to make green smoothies, tips for beginners, picky eaters

Green smoothies are easy-peasy, and taste good, too! But when you're a beginner, both are hard to believe. Easy? How, when greens are so foreign? Taste good? Yeah, right. I doubt that! And what about picky eaters?

Stick with me for a minute and let's see if I can prove those points for ya ;) First, a recipe for my favorite fruity green smoothie of all-time. I created it last year when our fam started eating vegan at home for my Meal Management March resolution.

Then, a few green smoothie tips for beginners as you brave your own recipes.

Easy Green Smoothie

5-7 frozen whole strawberries
5-7 frozen peach slices
1 ripe banana (brown spots on the peel are even better)
1 handful spinach (or other greens)
1 cup favorite milk alternative
preferred "extras" optional (i.e., nuts, oats, agave or other sweetener)

1 | Add all ingredients to blender.
2 | Blend until smooth. Color will be slightly brown or green-tinted depending on amount of greens added.
3 | Pour and enjoy!

I double everything to make enough for the whole fam. To make a little more for an extra serving, I increase these amounts by adding extra frozen fruit, some ice and more milk (but only one banana).

Getting Started with Green Smoothies

Green smoothies can be intimidating at first. Especially if you're not much into greens or making your own smoothies. Here are some ideas for easing in...

Beginner Green Smoothie Tip #1 | Find your favorite fruit combination.

When you're getting started, first find a fruit combination you love in a smoothie. Maybe something peachy, or tropical, or berries? This is important, because if you don't like the fruit combo, then adding greens won't make it any better.

Beginner Green Smoothie Tip #2 | Add a few greens.

If you're nervous about drinking a smoothie that tastes green, then start with less greens (kale and spinach are popular choices). Maybe just a few leaves to start, or a small handful if you're brave. Once you realize how good that tastes, then try more and more until you're drinking a vibrant green smoothie and hardly noticing there's actual greens in it.

Beginner Green Smoothie Tip #3 | Choose a ripe banana.

I use bananas in all my smoothies because, when they're ripe, they act as a natural sweetener. If the peel is starting to brown--even better! These make the sweetest, most delicious smoothies.

Beginner Green Smoothie Tip #4 | Brave some protein.

I like a little texture in my smoothie from grape nuts, oats or nuts, which can also add protein and mix to create a perfect protein. My main man, however, does not like added texture. Find a fruit combo you love, then throw a few extras in and see what you think. Just make sure you blend it up good enough and don't add too much. Flax seed, wheat germ and chia seeds are other ways to add variety.

Beginner Green Smoothie Tip #5 | Go beyond the fruit.

I've already shared my all time favorite recipe for a chocolate peanut butter smoothie. It's my frappe-replacing healthy indulgence. And... it's good with greens in it too! I was hesitant. Fruit with greens made sense to me; peanut butter and greens did not. But I added some in, and it's good! So don't be afraid to try greens in things that sound a little odd--you might be pleasantly surprised.

Now get started creating your own delicious green smoothies!

For more information on the awesomeness of green smoothies, check out Jadah and Jen's Simple Green Smoothies site. Love the community they're growing there!

See Confessions of a Picky-Eater for other ideas on eating greens and vegetables.