Jump | 5-min friday with lisa jo

little girl jumping

Ever wonder why adults quit jumping?

I mean, my 2-year-old does it all the time. He's in love with this concept that his legs can not only walk, they can actually empower him to leave the ground. And he looks so proud every time.

Adults, however, seem a little too knowledgeable about this thing called gravity. It gets old jumping and always returning to the ground. We'd rather fly! But we know that's not really an option on our own. So we stay grounded. We no longer jump.

And in that simple conclusion, we don't put our trust in the One that gives us wings like eagles. We forget what He empowers us to do. We avoid the possibility that if we gave it our all, He just might move us to fly.

Or not. But that's not really for us to question, is it?

We are simply called to have faith. The audacity to move our little legs in a springing upward motion, and leave the rest to Him. To His power. To His will. To the slightest possibility He would defy gravity on our behalf.

That's not too much to ask the Creator of that little force, is it?

I'm learning His force is greater. And with that, I will give myself over to the child-like joy of faith. One hopeful jump at at time.


Linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker for 5-minute-friday. Five minutes to write on one word, then post the first-ish draft--brought to light something all too familiar to me as I get ready for (what feels like to me) a big jump coming up soon.