31-Day Time Capsule {photo-a-day challenge}

My monthly resolution for the month of August is to take a photo each day.

Browse my daily photos as they are linked below, or scroll through all posts labeled photo-a-day:

family   /   friends   /   home   /   car   /   town   /   style   /   self-portrait   /   handwriting   /   love   /   price of...   /   blue jeans   /   trend   /   current events   /   technology   /   hair   /   travel   /   church   /   long distance   /   landscape   /   journey   /   going out   /   staying in   /   daily routine   /   eating   /   sleeping   /   reading   /   playing   /   laughing   /   shopping   /   working   /   emotion

Why the 31-Day Time Capsule theme?

As I think about documenting our family's life in a way that's fun and memorable and special without being overwhelming and while avoiding the digital disaster, I can't help but think about the "good ol' days." I love looking at old photos from generations before my own. From hairstyles to clothes to the choice of backgrounds or "props" and the colors they are printed with (sepia, black and white, retro color), I just love the stories they tell.

At one time, when photos were more of a rarity, each one seemed to be slightly more telling than the million we take today in our digital age. Instead of getting up close to fill the frame with a face, people were more likely to step back to capture the whole moment. Head outside and pose in their "Sunday's best" in front of the family car. Or capture the kids playing in the wagon in the front yard.

This is the inspiration I hope to capture with my photo-a-day challenge. The little parts of everyday life that we remember and even talk about for years to come. The price of gas, how people style their hair, and how they wear their jeans. Sharing with my kids what our home looked like when we had family dinner, a favorite place we like to go, and how we enjoy the outdoors. Our family car, our backyard, our favorite hang out spots. Documenting how I want to remember 4-year-old Brylee, 1-year-old Ian and 20-some-year-old Daniel.

Basically, I want to create a photo time capsule of my family--who we are, what we love, what we do--all in 31 days.

I'd love for you to join me, and see your own interpretation of the 31-Day Time Capsule.