Wassail | russian tea mix to revive your winter

Wassail // sugary russian tea recipe

What peppermint is to the senses for the Christmas season, orange clove is to the senses for a cold winter. It's part refreshing, part soothing, and 100% warming!

This recipe (I've heard it called both wassail and Russian tea) is the sugary version that I remember as a child. There are other versions made with tea and juices and real whole cloves. This is just closest to the one I drank as a kid. Not healthy in any way, but still a fun treat.

It's an easy mix that can last the season with plenty to share. Just a tablespoon mix to 6-8 ounces hot water, and sip away!

Wassail | Russian Tea Mix

2 cups Tang or instant orange drink mix
1/3 cup lemonade mix
3/4 cup instant tea
2 cups sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ground cloves

Combine ingredients in a medium mixing bowl. Move to airtight container for safe storage throughout the winter. Also packages nicely in small jars or clear envelopes as a special gift.

Combine 1 TBSP powdered mixture into 6-8 oz. hot water.

single-serve wassail (russian tea) mix


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