Simplicity, Simplified

After launching my new cloth diaper blog, I quickly transitioned to scratching it all, then salvaging it with a new name and new purpose--all in the matter of hours. Of course this happens while husband is home sick for a couple days, and winter made one final (I hope) appearance in May (!) which happens to lead to full-moon type behavior from the kids.

It's moments like this--when our family isn't well, our home is a mess, and my "work" in all its forms continues to grow--that I want to quit technology, give up pursuing work I enjoy, and throw our stuff over our third floor railing. These are the moments I long for simplicity.

I'm not talking about the simplicity you find in the next minimalism book. (Although, we all know I love a good minimalist-inspired read.) In these moments, I don't want to research the next right steps to declutter, take on a new project, or add one more thing to my to-do list.

I simply want simplicity. In all true-ness of the word. And I want it now, before I go insane.

You know, the actual definitions of "being easy to understand or do" and "being plain or natural."

I'm talking about simplicity, simplified. Not Americanized, the way we've turned it into an abstract thing that takes special skills or abilities or requirements to pursue. How we're so far removed from that allusive goal to "simplify."

We like to think certain people are prone to need simplicity or adapt to it better than others. A friend lives simply with her fam on their own little piece of country-side. My brother and sister-in-law actually chose to sell 90% of their possessions to remodel an airstream and live in it. And my own OCD tendencies make simplicity necessary before I break down in all-out depression.

We like to think these are unique cases. But I think this is a misconception. Because, we all need simplicity and we all have access to it. Not ten years from now when the kids aren't so needy, or five years from now when I finally finish decluttering every nook and crevice of our apartment, or even next week when I can finally check one particularly looming task off my list.

We have access to simplicity today.

In this moment, we have the opportunity to pause. To count our blessings. To focus on the Kingdom. To thank the King for His provisions. And in these simple acts, take on Kingdom Contentment and simply live.

Kingdom contentment--that's what I'm finding is the answer to a happier, simpler life now. It's what brought Paul to write about rejoicing in all things while he was in prison (Phil. 4:4). It's what moved David to praise God for bringing him to a "spacious place" while he was pursued by his enemies (Ps. 18:19).

It's what empowers me to refuse, to rethink my needs, and not add one more thing to my home to declutter. It's what encourages me to pause and enjoy this moment, before my kids aren't kids anymore. It's what reminds me to ignore the mess long enough to thank God for a home to mess up. It's what energizes me to love when I feel like there's nothing in me to give.

Just stopping in His presence to know that He is God. He trumps anything that overwhelms, confuses, stresses or distracts me. A pause in His presence is all the simplifying focus I need to refresh and live simply by Him and for His glory.


This month I'm sharing more encouragement for simplicity simplified--with focus on Kingdom contentment. I hope you'll join me in not over-thinking it.