Summer Bucket List {don't let summer slip away}

summer bucket list

My friend, Kristina, over at ReMadeSimple (Can I call her a friend even if I don't really know her? Sure, why not!) Where was I? Oh, right, Kristina from ReMadeSimple posted her "Summer Bucket List" with 10 things she wants to do before summer slips away. Hayley from Tiny Twig also recently posted her summer plans--I love her simple and minimalist approach to the list.

I thought, What a great idea!

So, here are my own Summer Plans...

Take a Momcation

It's a vacation from being a mommy. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and I'm lucky that my husband gets that. He's sending me away on a long girls' weekend to see my high school besties--while he stays home with the kids. And I leave... tomorrow!

15 minutes outside--Every. Day.

I just read "15 Minutes Outside" and am excited and inspired to make this happen. A beautiful plot of nicely shaded grass and playground are viewable right out our kitchen window, and we shamefully don't make great use of it. That changes today. Well, we've already started doing it, and will continue when I return from my momcation. Throwing a ball outside, laying in that wonderful shaded grass, going on picnics, writing with chalk, taking walks, visiting new parks and even local lakes and campgrounds, getting wet, making art, and so much more! Are you convinced to join us?

Monthly Resolutions

Coming up next is Joyful June (taking steps to add joy back into my life), followed by Joint-Effort July (focusing on my husband and our marriage) and finishing the summer up with Optimize August (photo-a-day challenge). Excited for the opportunities each of these monthly themes represents!

Visit Family

The joy of a big family reunion and the sobriety of a memorial service. Both very different reasons to see family, but both opportunities we're looking forward to seeing both my and my husband's families.

Go Camping with Friends

Falling asleep to the sounds of a summer night, the smell of campfire on our clothes, the rejuvenation of fresh air--it all makes up for the inadequate sleep from sleeping on the ground. We plan on going camping, and may be doing so with some awesome friends that we haven't seen a couple years. I'm more excited to see them, the camping adventure is just an added bonus.

Anniversary Trip

Daniel and I are celebrating five years of marriage this July. We're planning to spend our first night away without kids and without obligation. (I added that second part because we actually did have five nights away without Brylee, but we were acting as class sponsors for a senior class trip.) We haven't decided yet if we'll stay in town or go to Omaha or Kansas City--I'm guessing finances will have the final say. Either way, it should be lots of fun!


I recently started my first {paid} writing project. I am excited and nervous all rolled into one! This is a great opportunity for my writing career (because, folks, I am a writer) and a good opportunity to contribute a little something to our family's finances. The deadline is August, so excuse my periodic absence from the blog while I spend the next couple months putting my writing energy elsewhere.

What's on your Summer Bucket List?